Our story began with dog trainers wanting to use their passion for service dogs to make a difference in the lives of veterans suffering from PTSD.
We recognize there are service dog providers producing inadequately trained service dogs and often selling them for enormous sums to veterans and others.
Our approach is to understand the need of the veteran, then find and train a dog that can best meet their needs. Following our high standards of evaluation, we procure dogs from shelters and from individuals who are looking to re-home young dogs with an adaptable demeanor and gentle breed-specific traits.
We then work with the veteran/dog teams until they are sufficiently trained and able to pass our public access test. We intend to remain a hands on organization that stays focused on the client and their needs.
Our service area includes Arkansas, southern Missouri, and eastern Oklahoma.
Request an Application Packet
To apply for a service dog, request an application packet below. The packet will be sent to you via email.
Thank you to all our past and current supporters.
$500 - $1,000 SPONSORS
Board of Directors
Don is from North Central Arkansas. He studied the training methods of Bob Bailey and Kellar & Marian Breland of Animal Behavior Enterprises in Hot Springs, AR.
He was trained as an Arms & Explosives K-9 handler/trainer in Nottingham England by retired British military personnel. Don was co-founder, operations manager and trainer for Federal K-9 Security Agency, 2002-2007. During that time, Don participated in searches for Harrod's of London, Marine One, NASA, Little Rock National Airport, Arkansas State Fair, Verizon Arena and many other venues.
Don also bred and raised British Labrador retrievers for use in the detection dog business.
Prior to his work with detection dogs, Don was a breeder/exhibitor of American Pit Bull Terriers for 20 years with measurable success. He has trained explosives detection dogs, drug detection dogs, working gun dogs, tracking dogs, and Search & Rescue dogs. He now provides in-home training covering obedience and behavior modification for private clients. Don also mentors students for a well known online training academy. In all Don has 30+ years of breeding and training experience working with many breeds.
Don's passion to train and provide service dogs for our nation's veterans, stems from his desire to give something back to those who have already given so much.
Marsha has spent a lifetime involved with animals. In college, she majored in Animal Science and as a Veterinary Technician, which led to a career in animal welfare, beginning as a Cruelty Investigator and culminating as Executive Director. She spent over 15 years in the non-profit arena with two different humane societies in California and Arkansas.
Marsha built and operated her own upscale boarding and grooming business for several years. She presently runs a successful horse training facility where trainers focus on natural horsemanship methods, and offer lessons and training at her Windsong Ranch. She also operates an equine psychotherapy business offering alternative counseling options for individuals, families and groups. In the future, Marsha hopes to find a way to integrate more veteran.
With 29 years in the recovery community, she has developed a clear understanding of veterans with substance and alcohol abuse issues. She finds the veterans to be a wonderful group of men and women who thrive on understanding and only want to feel they are a part of something relevant.
David is President/CEO of Allegiance US, a leading corporate communications firm in Little Rock. David has more than 30 years experience in a career that emphasizes economic development and education initiatives that require strategic planning and marketing.
He has completed projects in more than 35 countries and is a recognized expert in marketing/public opinion research. He has appeared on Capitol Hill to provide insight regarding political public opinion research. David created and implemented the Evidence-Based Marketing model, utilized by his firm to, provide enhanced accountability on behalf of clients.
Born Tulsa, Oklahoma and raised South Lake Tahoe, California. After graduating from Huntsville High School in 1982, Robert joined the Arkansas Army National Guard. He served as cannon crew member and special weapons. Robert has achieved multiple accreditations in both military and veteran life.
Activated to Active duty 1990 until retirement in Oct, 2011.
Joined 12th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) U.S. Army Reserve 1984, Military Occupational Skills (MOS), Special Forces Weapons Sergeant (18B), Special Forces Medical Sergeant (18D), Counter Insurgency, Counter Terrorism, Hostage Rescue, Special Reconnaissance, Long Range Reconnaissance, Anti-Terrorism, Force protection.
Transferred to 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) ODA Military Occupational Skills (MOS), Special Forces Weapons Sergeant (18B), Special Forces Medical Sergeant (18D), Counter Insurgency, Counter Terrorism, Hostage Rescue, Special Reconnaissance, Long Range Reconnaissance, Anti-Terrorism, Force protection, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Chemical Weapon, Biological Weapons, Nuclear Weapons, and High Explosives.
Completed the Arkansas Fire Academy (Fire Fighter III), completed Arkansas Fire Academy Emergency Medical Service (EMS) EMT-I Course, elected to the Board of Directors South Carrol County Fire Association (Start up).
Garland County Sheriff’s Office, Patrol Deputy, Tactical Response Team (TRT), Marine Patrol, Search and Rescue (SAR), Dive Team.
LifeMobile Ambulance Service Advanced Life Support (ALS) Medic, SAR.
Stephanie Hegde currently lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas with her husband Dinesh, son Nikhil and daughter Adeline. She has worked as a Personal Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial, LLC. since 1995 and has a passion for helping people achieve their personal financial goals. She works with clients throughout the state of Arkansas and several neighboring states.
Stephanie received her Bachelor of Arts in 1995 and Master of Education in 2000 from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She taught secondary language arts in Illinois before moving to Fayetteville, Arkansas in 2004.
Stephanie is interested in helping veterans who need service dogs and wanted to channel her passion for fundraising to help organizations which supported this need. She began volunteering with the Service Dogs of Distinction in 2022 and was appointed to the board in 2023. This organization seeks to make quality service dogs more available to veterans who need them at no cost to the veteran.
In her spare time, Stephanie loves to spend time with friends and family, watch movies, and travel.
Advisory Board Members
J Mark Baker, DVM is a Veterinarian and owner of Rose Bud Animal Clinic where he is presently part time, and his associate, Dr Bittle, is full time. Dr Baker, who grew up in Texas, graduated from Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. He established the clinic in 1981 and it was a mixed animal practice for 25 years and then changed to a primarily dogs and cats. The clinic has continuously upgraded diagnostic and surgical equipment and practices through the years.
Dr Baker is an honor roll member of ARVMA and is a member of the AVMA. He has always supported Veterans and tried to help them, especially with their service dogs. True service dogs go beyond companion dog relationships. They are essential support and help for the veterans.
Masters Counseling Psychology and Licensed Psychological Examiner
Certified Behavior Canine Consultant-Knowledge Assessed, "CBCC- KA" Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, Behavior Division
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, "CDBC" International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Dog Division
Professional Member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, "APDT"
Retired Professional Member of The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, "IAABC"
Completed, “Aggression in Dogs Master” course - Michael Shikashio
Guest speaker on Michael Shikashio’s international podcast, “The Bitey End of the Dog,” re: “Dog Bite Litigation,” including how to prepare to testify as an expert or lay witness.
Presenter for the 2017 Association of Professional Dog Trainers National Conference, “Attachment Scales as a Tool for Behavior Consultants,” 2017, Richmond Virginia.
Numerous nominations for published works from The Dog Writers Association of America, for articles regarding assessing and treating canine behavior issues and rehabilitating the human-canine bond.
Maxwell Medallion Winner of the 2022 Dog Writers of America competition in the category of “Magazine/Behavior and Training” for the article, “Displacement Behaviors Can be Subtle but Significant”.
Numerous articles were published in the APDT, “The Chronicle,” “The IAABC Journal,” and “PETMD’s” website regarding various canine behaviors, emotional issues, and developing training and behavior modification protocols.
Proud Mom of A.K.C. Champion Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - Truman, Princeton, Stetson, Huntington, and the best mama Cavalier, Haviland.
AKC Bronze Award in the National Owner Handler Series in conformation competitions with Grand Champion Tia’s Huntington McMath.
Owner of McMath Trial Consultants (1981) to present, specializing in jury selection, case analysis, case presentation, jury profiling, and witness preparation. Worked nationally in state and federal courts regarding civil and criminal litigation. Published and presented in multiple State Bar Associations as well as the American Bar Association. Has been admitted as an expert in both state and federal courts and approved as a continuing legal education presenter. Complete resume, high-profile cases, publications, and presentations can be found on the web: www.mcmathtrialconsultants.com.
Owner of Loving Dogs which offers virtual consulting regarding the assessment and evaluation of dogs with behavior or emotional problems with appropriate rehabilitation protocols. The mission statement is to, “Develop and strengthen the human-canine bond through understanding, knowledge and empathy”.
Complete resume, publications, and presentations can be found on the web:www.lovingdogs.net.